Sunday, November 14, 2010

Weekend Finds

The beautiful weather we had over the weekend. Bought everyone out. The markets were packed. The first one I hit. Found this great wicker table, sled and package of red Christmas balls. He wanted $10 for the table, got it for $5. I started talking to him after he told me the price. Got to talking, then offered $5, he said why not. Yeah! The sled, wooden with wrought iron. Has to be sanded down and painted, scored that for $2 and the box of bulbs, got for a buck.

The second market this weekend. Got myself a 3qt crock for $3. Great shape and the insert comes out. Already have a couple of the larger crocks. This one will be perfect for a side dish or just something smaller I want to cook. Got another sled. I don't know what it is, have a thing for sleds lately. It was only $2 and the ornament 50 cents. The candle snuffer was a $1.00. The tray, was a gift from my girlfriend. Something someone gave her and she passed it to me. Which I love!

The usually purchase of produce, potatoes, onions and oranges. The cauliflower, I couldn't pass up, I bought 3 of them for $3.oo. It was so nice a white.

I really enjoyed my weekend. Shopping and weather wise, just couldn't beat it. Great way to start the week!

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Farmchick said... did really well. :)

Stop by and say hi and learn about my Christmas recipe swap i am starting. :)