Monday, April 28, 2008

The kids are back to school! Spring break is over. What is it about Spring break? I know I cooked more, so that meant more dishes to clean. The kids must of changed their clothes at least 2 times a day, so that meant more laundry. Between fishing, beach days, sleepovers and a trip to the zoo. Taking them to their friends house and picking them up. I don't think there was a day that I had to myself on Spring break. Every night I hit that pillow and fell right off to sleep. Only to wake again to another day of things to do. It was a busy week and we had perfect weather. I guess we couldn't of asked for more.

To answer my own question.......Spring break is all about the kids!

Have a good day!

1 comment:

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Susan, My kids told me that my spring break would begin on Monday when they went back to school and their dad went back to work. I love that they think that I stand by the door all day waiting for them to come home(the world stops moving if they leave the room) (lol). Now you can start your spring break too.