Sunday, December 23, 2007

Countdown To Madness.....

Couple of more presents to wrap. Cookie trays to bake. Food to prepare. Laundry to catch up on. Rooms to clean. Blown out lights to fix. Trip to the food store. Dogs and kids to care for. that all I have to do today?


black eyed susans kitchen said...

Kind of like doing the hokey pokey...and thats what its all about! I just made a list of the places that I have to get to...usually I make a list of the items I need from the grocery store..that will be only one of many stops. So many things to do, it makes your brain hurt! At some point today, sit down, have a cup of coffee or tea, or a glass of wine and breathe...tell them Susan told you to do this. From one Susan to another, have a Merry Christmas.

Unknown said...

Hope you get everything done in time!Thanks for stopping by!Happy Holidays!
